Tuesday, May 29, 2012

In Training

It is so tough to navigate this parenting thing! I knew it would be hard, I even knew I would mess things up, I knew my kids wouldn't be perfect, cuz lets face it imperfect people can't produce perfect ones ;).
What I didn't have a clue about was the fact that I would be in large part responsible for "training" these sweet innocent babies to become whatever it is they were meant to be! The gravity of my role in their lives just never hit me, until I'm smack dab in the fight....the ON GOING battle to teach them all the little things that collectively will make them awesome people.

 I ask myself how many times will I have to remind them that yelling is NOT an acceptable form of communication, or that it is NEVER ok to put your hands on someone when you are angry, or that picking your nose will cause you to be labeled that gross kid.
I'm sure there will be years and years of these reminders and many other lessons they will need to learn, but I want to be in charge of this mission!

 Everyday we as parents, or teachers, or childcare providers, or grandparents, all of us are presented with this really important opportunity to develop and form a child in a positive way. So here's the thing....you ARE training them. The big question is WHAT are you training them to think, say, do, become?

 My hope is that I can lead by example my children and those whom i impact:
 Love unconditionally,
Extend mercy even when I want to react with rage,
Be patience and realize they aren't always able to see the full picture (just like us sometimes),
Use gentle words even when I feel like I'm at my breaking point,
Never be ashamed to say "I'm sorry" in front of them or to them,
Pray over them often,
Teach them to Honor the Lord in all they say and do.

I'm learning to seize the opportunity when its given to train them. I'm not promised a certain number of years or chances to train them so I'm encouraged to embrace this lifestyle now and make each day count. How about you? Are you a trainer?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Memory Maker

I want my kids to have great memories that will forever be stamped on their hearts, and so many times I let something really "important"  steal the opportunity.   Recently we spend a WHOLE afternoon at the park.  This day had been on the schedule for quite a while, but something always hopped in its place.    Oh but the day finally came and it was wonderful....well it started off if-y......
Ok so I must admit right now :
I am a list making, time slot filling , day calculator, and must have every minute accounted for and ALSO adhere strictly to this plan or else we might as well not even bother!
(now you probably have all kinds of thoughts like..."no wonder she can't make memories with her kids cuz you can't always plan those"  tell me about it!  Hey its a lesson I'm slowly  learning ;) ) -> back to the story...

We slept in which seemed nice until I realize that we actually have to prepare for this fun day, you know shower, get dressed, dress three kiddos, and pack a lunch.  And as luck would have it there was no picnic style options in the house....so off to the the store we go.....I'm starting to feel the stress level rise and the questions well up in the deep places of my heart.  Lots of whys circle around: Why did we wait so long to leave? Why even bother with a picnic?  We MUST eat at exactly 12:00 pm because that's lunch time!  Then at the next breath something new happened:

Brandie, You have no time frame today.  The schedule is clear, nothing is written down with ink.  Go with the flow!  Well praise the Lord! I mean really praise His holy name!  Breakthrough :)

We got to the park around 12pm played on the playground until complaints of hunger rolled in :) it was nice.  My sweet boys help their Daddy carry our cooler to the perfect picnic table and we had a great lunch (around 1pm ish ) we rode a train, admired some sweet baby ducklings, ate ice cream, spied out snakes and all kinds of critters I hope never to see outside of the glass, and rode the carousel.  I was THE BEST day i can remember and I hope the stamp proves time in the hearts of my sweet babies!  Here's I'm favorite shot of the day :)

Lesson to me:  Don't hold so tightly to the schedule that you snuff out the memories